National Boxing Hall of Fame "Class of 2025" Event & Induction Awards
Receive a "Certificate of Appreciation" from National Boxing Hall of Fame by helping to cover some of the various and miscellaneous costs that help to produce our event every year and the years to come.
Inspired by the Beloved Fighter Bobby Chacon, this will cover the cost of this award that is given out every year to a Special Contributor in the World of Boxing. Receive a "Certificate of Appreciation" from National Boxing Hall of Fame by helping to cover this cost.
Receive a "Certificate of Appreciation" from National Boxing Hall of Fame by helping to cover some of the costs associated with producing the awards.
Receive a "Certificate of Appreciation" from National Boxing Hall of Fame by helping to cover some of the costs associated with printing flyers, posters, full color program book and our event Step & Repeat.
Receive a "Certificate of Appreciation" from National Boxing Hall of Fame by helping to cover some of the cost of food for the Meet & Greet the night before the main event.
Receive a "Certificate of Appreciation" from National Boxing Hall of Fame by helping to cover some of the costs of the production staff for video/split screen presentation, sound and technology.
Includes one table for 10 guests at the event
Recognition from the stage during the event
One QUARTER page color ad in printed program Class of 2025
Name/Company/Logo on all printed materials
Company Logo on Step & Repeat Banner
Recognition on NBHOF Website as "Bronze Sponsor," Social Media and Signage
One Large CLASSY RED "Cleto Reyes" Glove
NBHOF Plaque with Company/Name Engraved onto plaque: Bronze Sponsor "THE UPPERCUT"
Includes one VIP table for 10 guests at the event
One HALF page color ad in printed program Class of 2025
Recognition on NBHOF Website as "Silver Sponsor," Social Media and Signage
NBHOF Plaque with Company/Name Engraved onto plaque: Silver Sponsor "THE HOOK"
Recognition from the stage during the event as a contributor to NBHOF with a "Big Check Photo Op"
One FULL page color ad in printed program Class of 2025
Recognition on NBHOF Website as "Gold Sponsor," Social Media and Signage
NBHOF Plaque with Company/Name Engraved onto plaque: Gold Sponsor "THE RIGHT CROSS"
Includes TWO VIP tables (20 guests) at the event
Special Priority Photo Op with CELEBRITY BOXER(S) & recognition from the stage as a contributor to NBHOF Glove Awards/Special Awards for Inductees and as a contributor to NBHOF with a "Big Check Photo Op"
Sponsor's Logo & Sponsorship "Eye-Catching Ad" Placed on Home Page of NBHOF Website - ONE FULL YEAR to date of donation
One FULL page color ad in printed program Class of 2025 "PRIMARY LOCATION"
Company Logo on Step & Repeat Banner "PRIORITY LOCATION"
Recognition in several outlets - Home Page/Sponsor Link on NBHOF Website, Social Media and Signage
One Large SPECIAL GOLD "Cleto Reyes" Glove
NBHOF Plaque with Company/Name Engraved onto plaque: Presenting & Platinum Sponsor "KNOCK OUT"
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